theWord Bibles Library

David’s Electronic Bibles theWord Library

In this library of Electronic Bibles, I present to you different versions of the English Bible, God’s Holy Word, in free Bible program theWord format for your Bible study. TheWord is a great Bible app program, for use in Bible Reading, Bible Book studies, and is a good daily Bible Reading program. You can stop your Bible Search, because these Bible resources and the theWord Bible tool are great resources for the serious Bible Student. By using this program, you will get a better understanding the Bible. If you are looking for Bible answers, then the resource of free electronic bible program, theWord, cannot be beaten. Some of the Bible society projects have been open to Creative Commons which has helped our effort here.

Some of these study Bibles are a reference Bible, which has cross references and other helps for the Bible student. Continue reading

theWord Apologetics Library

Apologetics theWord Modules


Apologetics Library for theWord modules

theWord Apologetics Library
By David Cox

This is a library of works about the defense of the Bible. Many people attack the Bible as having errors, having contradictions, or just being wrong. It is that study of defending the great truths and integrity of Scripture.

Note that because of SEO the word “apologetics” has been removed from the file names below and replaced with “apol.” Continue reading

theWord Baptism Library v2

theWord Baptism Library V2

theWord Baptism Library
By David Cox

baptism libraryThis library is dedicated to religious works dealing with and about “Baptism”. I would point out that the Bible has various different kinds of baptism  that it mentions, and one of these is water baptism, which is the focus of this library. Those works about the Spiritual Baptism which is the work of the Holy Spirit saving a person and filling him with holiness and service for God would be better found in the Holy Spirit Library.

This biblical concept comes from the OT washings, and specifically it comes from the idea of the OT priest who had to wash before entering service, and this was at the beginning of his priestly ministry, and then every time he actually offered sacrifice. The principle idea of water_baptism is that of the priestly washing before ministry at the first time he enters the priesthood. This is the same idea in the water_baptism of Jesus Christ which Jesus needed to separated from daily life for a life and ministry of service before God. Christ’s water_baptism has nothing to do with identification with God’s atonement for sin like our water_baptism, but with identification of service in God’s ministry. While our water_baptism has the dual ideas of separation from sin in identifying with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, it also has the idea of beginning our ministry for God as priesthood believers.

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theWord Antichrist Library

theWord Antichrist Library

theWord Antichrist Library
By David Cox

antichristantichrist In this library, I have placed books that deal with the anti-christ. This is a subcategory under Eschatalogy. In this library both books on revelation and the end times anti-christ, and also the many anti-christs that live among us, opposing Christ’s person and character are included.

Anti-christ is a Christian term based on interpretation of passages in the New Testament, in which the term “anti-christ” occurs five times in 1 John and 2 John (Greek: ἀντίχριστος, antichristos), once in pluralform and four times in the singular.

In some Christian eschatologies, Jesus the Messiah will appear in his Second Coming to Earth to face the emergence of the Antichrist figure, who will be the greatest false messiah in Christianity. Just asChrist is the savior and the ideal model for humanity, his opponent in the end time will be a single figure of concentrated evil, according to Bernard McGinn.

In Islamic eschatology, Masih ad-Dajjal (the False messiah in Islam) is an anti-Messiah figure (similar to the Christian concept of Antichrist), who will appear to deceive humanity before the second coming of “Isa”, as Jesus is known by Arabic-speaking Muslims. In Jewish eschatology, a similar anti-Messiah figure is called Armilus.


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theWord Maps-Atlas Library twm

theWord Maps-Atlas Library twm

Maps-Atlas Library twm
By David Cox

mapsThis is a library of modules on Maps and Atlas for the free software program theWord.  These are modules which have some kind of biblical geography content to them. Many of the maps in these works are very old, and although in Bible matters that is not necessarily bad, the quality of them is much less than desired many times. Frankly I find that the locations of places in a lot of these maps are general, and that is sufficient for most biblical needs for pastors and Bible students. It is really not all that necessary that they be super accurate. None-the-less, let the user beware than maybe the maps might be off somewhat.

Modern biblical archeology also comes into play here, and many times discoveries from these sources are much more accurate, so those types of sources are to be valued higher than old Bible atlas or Bible maps in general. Even among scholars some of these things are debated, and it should be noted that in many cases these debates are motived by other issues that some people wish to prove. Because of this I generally would not see as high or more value Jewish “scholars” on these matters.

Another issue that should be considered is the presentation of the maps themselves. In some cases the maps are line art (the older days of printing didn’t allow color photos in books except as special inserts). These maps are not always the best for viewing. So one must take the good with the bad.

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theWord Bible Dictionaries Library.

theWord Bible Dictionaries Library

theWord Bible Dictionaries Library
By David Cox

In this theWord Library, we present various Bible Dictionaries for your Bible study. These include famous old Bible Dictionaries, as well as some more modern ones. Note that because of the size of some of these dictionaries, I have divided them up into different zips (or individual file downloads). Easton is larger than what you can find it elsewhere because I have gone back and added images from the original work. Continue reading

theWord OT Commentaries 1-2 Samuel Kings Chronicles

theWord Commentaries 1-2 Samuel Kings Chronicles

theWord OT Commentaries 1-2 Samuel Kings Chronicles
By David Cox

theWord OT Commentaries 1-2 Samuel Kings Chronicles are all commentaries on one or more of the historical books of the Old Testament, 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings or 1-2 Chronicles. I do not have very many commentaries at this time on these books so I am including them all in a single zip compressed archive file. These Old Testament commentaries have some parallel sections in them, so you really need to go back and forth between them (both in Scripture and in these commentaries) to check out everything about a person, place, event or passage.

Note that the key phrases in brackets and parentheses () {} like (1kicmt) and (1chcmt) are key phrases used to help you make a module set, and get to just these commentaries in a module set so you can quickly flip back and forth between these commentaries on the same books you are studying. You can see my post on where I explain making these module sets in detail for your benefit and ease in searching your theWord module library.

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