Author: Pastor David
theWord Pentateuch Study Pack
This study pack is a zipped file containing 104 theWord modules dealing with the first five books of the Bible, as well as some Bible Character studies, and some special works on the Flood, Creation, etc.
theWord Anthology Libraries
theWord Anthology. Note: An anthology is a group of various writings by a single author (usually) that are not on the same topic. Therefore you either will have dozens or hundreds of individual small files, or a single file with all of them in it. I have decided to go with a single file per author approach. Searching within theWord on just topic titles will usually find these works.
Also note that at present, my library has 45 anthologies in it, weighing in at about 140 MB, making this a problem to download. I have split them into two uploads at this time.
Creation/Last Modified Date: March 6, 2015
Files in red have been changed.
Pink Works of Arthur Pink
Pink Works of Arthur Pink is a collection of all of Pink’s writings, Arthur Pink was both Baptist and Reformed or Calvinist.
theWord works of Berkhof
theWord works of Berkhof
berkhof-introduction-to-new-testament.gbk.twm etc
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theWord Books by John G. Bellett
theWord Books by John G. Bellett
bellett-king-saul.gbk.twm etc
Volume 1 may 2021
Volume 1 may 2021 is a zip pack from my archives. The listing of all theWord modules is below.
theWord St Augustine Modules
theWord St Augustine Modules is a theWord zipped pack of modules by this church father that lived in the early centuries of Christianity.
Schaff Creeds of Christendom
Schaff Creeds of Christendom Volumes 1-3 is a church history set of works written and composed from ancient documents by Philip Schaff.
theWord anthropology (Man) Library
theWord Anthropology.
theWord Anthropology.
By David Cox
In this library, I have placed books that deal with man and his nature or situation (in sin). This is a zip pack of theword modules for free, which deal with theWord Anthropology books, or books on the doctrine of man. The biblical study of the doctrine of man is know as “anthropology” coming from logos (principle) and anthropos (man). This is a biblical perspective on what man is, what his character is (sinfulness), and how God sees man.