Zipped TW Pack

theWord Bible Dictionaries Library.

theWord Bible Dictionaries Library

theWord Bible Dictionaries Library
By David Cox

In this theWord Library, we present various Bible Dictionaries for your Bible study. These include famous old Bible Dictionaries, as well as some more modern ones. Note that because of the size of some of these dictionaries, I have divided them up into different zips (or individual file downloads). Easton is larger than what you can find it elsewhere because I have gone back and added images from the original work. Continue reading

theWord Bibliology Library

theWord Bibliology Library

Bibliology Library
By David Cox

bibliologyThis library has works concerning the doctrine of the Bible, or Bibliology. Typical in this library are works on the authority of the Bible, the Canon, how to study and understand the Bible, numerology, works about revelation, interpretation, inspiration, works about the Bible in general, it’s nature, its origen, its composition, etc.

The term Bibliology (from Greek biblos meaning “book”) refers to the study of the nature of the Bible as revelation. It often includes such topics as revelation, inspiration, inerrancy, canonicity, illumination, and

We break this into two downloads to make it easier for some on dialup to get these works.

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theWord A Authors Zip part 1

theWord A Authors Zip part 1 has A authors, I am revising these, so this is an intermediary form for these modules. But still totally usable. Please note to be careful about just dumping these modules into your theWord folders. If you are downloading your modules from my other websites, (,,, that version of a file is probably reformatted and better than what you find here. DO NOT OVERWRITE MODULES FROM THOSE WEBSITES WITH ONES FROM HERE. SKIP THOSE when you are copying them. More notes at the foot of this page.

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theWord Atonement Library TWM (updated 5/15/24)

theWord Atonement Library

theWord Atonement Library
By David Cox

The theWord Atonement Library is a set of modules that deal directly with the atonement, or propitiation, which is Jesus Christ’s substitutionary death on the cross in payment for our death in eternity in hell. Hell is the place of God’s wrath on men and angels souls that disobey God. Only through believing on Jesus as your personal Savior (after having acknowledged your sinful condition and repenting of that), can you be saved.

This “being saved” is essentially Jesus stepping in between the judgment of God on your sin, between you the sinner and God the judge, and Jesus actually suffers for your sins. This he did on the cross. If you believe and trust, placing your confidence on Jesus Christ to be your penal substitute, then you will be saved.

As such, this is atonement. There are other theories of atonement that differ from this biblical view of atonement and it is very important that one has a correct view of the atonement in order to be saved.

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MegaPack for April 2016

MegaPack for April 2016

Bellet, J.G. – Joseph
Benedetto, Don – The Benefit of Christ Crucified
Watson, Thomas-Lord’s Prayer
Watson, Thomas-Beatitudes
Watson, Thomas-Ten Commandments
Warfield, B.B. – Counterfeit Miracles
Warfield, B.B. – Terminology of Love in the New Testament
Torrey, R.A. – Difficulties in the Bible
Torrey, R.A. – Voice of God in the Present Hour
Torrey, R.A. – How to Pray
Torrey, R.A. – Person and Work of The Holy Spirit, the
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