theWord A Authors Zip part 1 has A authors, I am revising these, so this is an intermediary form for these modules. But still totally usable. Please note to be careful about just dumping these modules into your theWord folders. If you are downloading your modules from my other websites, (,,, that version of a file is probably reformatted and better than what you find here. DO NOT OVERWRITE MODULES FROM THOSE WEBSITES WITH ONES FROM HERE. SKIP THOSE when you are copying them. More notes at the foot of this page.
Zipped TW Pack
theWord Atonement Library TWM (updated 5/15/24)
theWord Atonement Library
theWord Atonement Library
By David Cox
The theWord Atonement Library is a set of modules that deal directly with the atonement, or propitiation, which is Jesus Christ’s substitutionary death on the cross in payment for our death in eternity in hell. Hell is the place of God’s wrath on men and angels souls that disobey God. Only through believing on Jesus as your personal Savior (after having acknowledged your sinful condition and repenting of that), can you be saved.
This “being saved” is essentially Jesus stepping in between the judgment of God on your sin, between you the sinner and God the judge, and Jesus actually suffers for your sins. This he did on the cross. If you believe and trust, placing your confidence on Jesus Christ to be your penal substitute, then you will be saved.
As such, this is atonement. There are other theories of atonement that differ from this biblical view of atonement and it is very important that one has a correct view of the atonement in order to be saved.
Volume 2 August
Volume 2 August is a directory in among my theWord folders.
2024-04-23 Archive Modules Zip
2024-04-23 Archive Modules Zip
MegaPack for April 2016
MegaPack for April 2016
Bellet, J.G. – Joseph
Benedetto, Don – The Benefit of Christ Crucified
Watson, Thomas-Lord’s Prayer
Watson, Thomas-Beatitudes
Watson, Thomas-Ten Commandments
Warfield, B.B. – Counterfeit Miracles
Warfield, B.B. – Terminology of Love in the New Testament
Torrey, R.A. – Difficulties in the Bible
Torrey, R.A. – Voice of God in the Present Hour
Torrey, R.A. – How to Pray
Torrey, R.A. – Person and Work of The Holy Spirit, the
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theWord modules on the Rapture
theWord modules on the Rapture are works on the taking of the Christians up into heaven before the beginning of the Tribulation.
theWord Greek Works Part 2
This pack has various theWord Greek Works (tw modules) for theWord Bible program. Part 2 of 2
This pack theWord Greek Works 2 has the Cambridge Greek NT, Nicoll’s Expositors Greek New Testament Commentaries, New Testament Greek Word Frequency Charts for seeing how common a word is in the New Testament, an overview of Greek Grammar, Pickering’s the Identity of the New Testament Text, Robertson’s work on the ministry and the Greek New Testament, Robertson’s Word Pictures in the New Testament as a commentary, Smyth list of Greek Verbs, Strong’s work on Greek in a nutshell, Trench’s Synonyms of the Greek New Testament, Trench’s Study on Words in Greek, and Vincent’s Word Studies in the New Testament. There is also White’s Greek Grammar work included.
theWord Biblical Greek Works Library
Description of Biblical Greek Works
Works on biblical Greek. In this library of theWord modules, we present books on biblical Greek, as well as Greek New Testaments and the Septuagint, LXX (the Old Testament in Greek).
theWord Angel Library update 11/20
theWord Angel Library
theWord_Angel. Creation/Last Modified Date: Nov 11, 2020
Old updates March 6, 2015
Files in red have been changed.
A zip pack of theWord_angel books/modules for theWord Bible program. theWord_Angel library has many different authors.
theWord Calvinism Reformed Library.
In theWord Calvinism Reformed Library. theWord zip library, I present to you various books on Calvinism, basically dangers of it. These books are about Calvinism, and many works by people like Boettner (who is a Calvinist) do not have the tag “Calvinism” on them. I tag them as “Reformed”. If you want pro-views please search for “Reformed” works.
Note that I had to change the actual filenames for this internet webpage, substituting “calvin-ism” for “calvinism” for SEO purposes. In the actual zip file, all “calvin-ism” is “calvinism”.