theWord Anthropology Library Pack

theWord Anthropology Library Pack is a pack of modules on the biblical doctrine of man.

theWord Anthropology Library Pack

theWord Anthropology Library Pack
By David Cox

Anthropology Library TWM“Anthropology” is the science or study of man, and in biblical terms, biblical anthropology is the study of man’s creation, man’s nature (original and fallen), and unfortunately, sin, and man’s fall into sin.

From these issues, we can see that the science or study of harmatology (the science of sin) is really a subcategory of anthropology. It should be noted that biblical anthropology is starkly different and opposed to humanistic anthropology as taught in colleges and universities today, as that is based on evolution and not on a creative basis. theWord anthropology pack

This library contains works about man’s nature, and it is in the format of twm for the free Bible program theWord.

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theWord NT Commentaries Acts

theWord NT Commentaries 1-2 Peter

theWord NT Commentaries Acts
By David Cox

These are all commentaries on Luke’s work on the Acts of the Apostles, or the Acts of the Holy Spirit.

Note that the key phrases in brackets and parentheses () {} like (1pemt) and (2pecmt) are key phrases used to help you make a module set, and get to just these commentaries in a module set so you can quickly flip back and forth between these commentaries on the same books you are studying. You can see my post on where I explain making these module sets in detail for your benefit and ease in searching your theWord module library.

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theWord Christian Biographies Library

Christian Biographies

Christian BiographiesChristian Biographies. In this library we examine different people (outside of the Old and New Testament) that were influential or important people in Christianity, giving the biography of their life and ministry.

These works on Christian biographies can be in any denomination or thought group, and some are more generalized as an overview of many different thought groups or denominations. I have not filtered these Christian biographies as far as good people versus bad people (from my point of view) I am simply offering these as a study material resource so that you have access to material for whomever you wish to study. Continue reading