Anthology of the Holy Spirit by William Kelly, N. Anderson, John Darby, W.W. Fereday and many other Brethren authors
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theWord OT Commentaries 1-2 Samuel Kings Chronicles
theWord Commentaries 1-2 Samuel Kings Chronicles
theWord OT Commentaries 1-2 Samuel Kings Chronicles
By David Cox
theWord OT Commentaries 1-2 Samuel Kings Chronicles are all commentaries on one or more of the historical books of the Old Testament, 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings or 1-2 Chronicles. I do not have very many commentaries at this time on these books so I am including them all in a single zip compressed archive file. These Old Testament commentaries have some parallel sections in them, so you really need to go back and forth between them (both in Scripture and in these commentaries) to check out everything about a person, place, event or passage.
Note that the key phrases in brackets and parentheses () {} like (1kicmt) and (1chcmt) are key phrases used to help you make a module set, and get to just these commentaries in a module set so you can quickly flip back and forth between these commentaries on the same books you are studying. You can see my post on where I explain making these module sets in detail for your benefit and ease in searching your theWord module library.
theWord NT Commentaries 1-2 Corinthians
theWord NT Commentaries 1-2 Corinthians
theWord NT Commentaries 1-2 Corinthians
By David Cox
theWord NT Commentaries 1-2 Corinthians are all commentaries on one or more of Paul’s epistles to the Corinithian church.
Note that the key phrases in brackets and parentheses () {} like (1comt) and (2cocmt) are key phrases used to help you make a module set, and get to just these commentaries in a module set so you can quickly flip back and forth between these commentaries on the same books you are studying. You can see my post on where I explain making these module sets in detail for your benefit and ease in searching your theWord module library.
theWord Faith Library
theWord Faith Library
theWord Faith Library
By David Cox
Last Update: March 5, 2015
theWord Faith Library are theWord modules on different issues around the concept of faith. Continue reading
theWord Prayer Modules #2
Prayer theWord modules #2
Prayer theWord Modules #2 is the second volume of the theWord module library on prayer. Continue reading
theWord B Authors Zip pack #8
theWord B Authors Zip pack #8 has B authors, I am revising these, so this is an intermediary form for these modules. But still totally usable. Please note to be careful about just dumping these modules into your theWord folders. If you are downloading your modules from my other websites, (,,, that version of a file is probably reformatted and better than what you find here. DO NOT OVERWRITE MODULES FROM THOSE WEBSITES WITH ONES FROM HERE. SKIP THOSE when you are copying them. More notes at the foot of this page.
theWord B Authors Zip pack #7
theWord B Authors Zip pack #7 has B authors, I am revising these, so this is an intermediary form for these modules. But still totally usable. Please note to be careful about just dumping these modules into your theWord folders. If you are downloading your modules from my other websites, (,,, that version of a file is probably reformatted and better than what you find here. DO NOT OVERWRITE MODULES FROM THOSE WEBSITES WITH ONES FROM HERE. SKIP THOSE when you are copying them. More notes at the foot of this page.
theWord B Authors Zip pack #6
theWord B Authors Zip pack #6 has B authors, I am revising these, so this is an intermediary form for these modules. But still totally usable. Please note to be careful about just dumping these modules into your theWord folders. If you are downloading your modules from my other websites, (,,, that version of a file is probably reformatted and better than what you find here. DO NOT OVERWRITE MODULES FROM THOSE WEBSITES WITH ONES FROM HERE. SKIP THOSE when you are copying them. More notes at the foot of this page.
theWord B Authors Zip pack #5
theWord B Authors Zip pack #5 has B authors, I am revising these, so this is an intermediary form for these modules. But still totally usable. Please note to be careful about just dumping these modules into your theWord folders. If you are downloading your modules from my other websites, (,,, that version of a file is probably reformatted and better than what you find here. DO NOT OVERWRITE MODULES FROM THOSE WEBSITES WITH ONES FROM HERE. SKIP THOSE when you are copying them. More notes at the foot of this page.
theWord B Authors Zip pack #4
theWord B Authors Zip pack #4 has B authors, I am revising these, so this is an intermediary form for these modules. But still totally usable. Please note to be careful about just dumping these modules into your theWord folders. If you are downloading your modules from my other websites, (,,, that version of a file is probably reformatted and better than what you find here. DO NOT OVERWRITE MODULES FROM THOSE WEBSITES WITH ONES FROM HERE. SKIP THOSE when you are copying them. More notes at the foot of this page.