theWord Books by John MacDuff

theWord Books by John MacDuff

Macduff, John Ross, D.D., second son of Alexander Macduff, of Bonhard, near Perth, was born at Bonhard, May 23, 1818. After studying at the University of Edinburgh, he became in 1842 parish minister of Kettins, Forfarshire, in 1849 of St. Madoes, Perthshire, and in 1855 of Sandyford, Glasgow. He received the degree of D.D. from the University of Glasgow in 1862, and about the same time also from the University of New York. He retired from pastoral work in 1871, lived at Chislehurst, Kent and died in 1887. He has published many practical and devotional works which have attained a wide circulation. In 1857 he was appointed by the General Assembly a member of their Hymnal Committee. His 31 hymns appeared in his Altar Stones, 1853, and were also included with his later poems in his The Gates of Praise, 1876. Among hymns that he wrote included ‘Abide with me, thou gracious guide’ – bio from http://www.hymnary.o…son/MacDuff_JR1

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theWord anthropology (Man) Library

theWord Anthropology.

theWord Anthropology.
By David Cox

In this library, I have placed books that deal with man and his nature or situation (in sin). This is a zip pack of theword modules for free, which deal with theWord Anthropology books, or books on the doctrine of man. The biblical study of the doctrine of man is know as “anthropology” coming from logos (principle) and anthropos (man). This is a biblical perspective on what man is, what his character is (sinfulness), and how God sees man.

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theWord Second Coming Library

theWord Second Coming

theWord Second Coming. This library of theWord modules dealing with the second coming has any works dealing with eschatology or the return of Jesus and related events as found in Daniel and Revelation. These events include the rapture, the tribulation, the great tribulation or Grand tribulation, the millennium, the antichrist, the dragon, the beast, etc.

Creation/Last Modified Date: March 6, 2015
Files in red have been changed.

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theWord Bible Introduction Library

theWord Bible Introduction Library

theWord Bible Introduction Library
By David Cox

In this library we have works that are a Bible Introduction on different parts of Scripture. The Word of God is considered as to the technical data of each individual book, this being the human author, the circumstance in which it was written, the target people written to, particulars of the book, etc.

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theWord Bibles Library

David’s Electronic Bibles theWord Library

In this library of Electronic Bibles, I present to you different versions of the English Bible, God’s Holy Word, in free Bible program theWord format for your Bible study. TheWord is a great Bible app program, for use in Bible Reading, Bible Book studies, and is a good daily Bible Reading program. You can stop your Bible Search, because these Bible resources and the theWord Bible tool are great resources for the serious Bible Student. By using this program, you will get a better understanding the Bible. If you are looking for Bible answers, then the resource of free electronic bible program, theWord, cannot be beaten. Some of the Bible society projects have been open to Creative Commons which has helped our effort here.

Some of these study Bibles are a reference Bible, which has cross references and other helps for the Bible student. Continue reading