theWord Calvinism Reformed Library.


Calvinism Library

In theWord Calvinism Reformed Library. theWord zip library, I present to you various books on Calvinism, basically dangers of it. These books are about Calvinism, and many works by people like Boettner (who is a Calvinist) do not have the tag “Calvinism” on them. I tag them as “Reformed”. If you want pro-views please search for “Reformed” works.

Note that I had to change the actual filenames for this internet webpage, substituting “calvin-ism” for “calvinism” for SEO purposes. In the actual zip file, all “calvin-ism” is “calvinism”.

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theWord Creeds Pack

theWord Creeds Pack

theWord Creeds Pack
By David Cox

theWord Creeds PackIn this pack, I am including various creeds and doctrinal affirmations from different persuasions, but mostly Calvinist-Reformed perspective. This is because they are the most proficient at making, using, and demanding doctrinal creeds. I consider any catechism the same as a creed or confession of faith.

Some of these in the theWord Creeds Pack are not Calvinist-Reformed by the way. The Athanasian Creed is from the first centuries of the church, and it is an affirmation of the trinity. Martin Luther’s catchecisms are a basic document of the Reformation, and although Luther is the founder of the Lutheran Church, his creed or confession or catechism is basically a denouncing of Roman Catholicism. The Baltimore Catechism is Roman Catholic so that you can see how it compares with the many protestant confessions here.

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theWord Greek Works Part 1

This pack has various theWord Greek Works (tw modules) for theWord Bible program. Part 1 of 2.

The Smith Manual of Greek Lexicon is an older work out of copyright, but good. Alford’s Greek Testament is a commentary on the Greek New Testament. Bengel’s Gnomon of the New Testament has the module (commentary Format) as well as its supplement. Burton’s work as is Goodwin’s work are on the different verbal tenses and modes of the Greek verb. There is a work teaching (via cartoons) the different relationship prepositions in Greek grammar. The Mickelson’s work is Strong’s Greek Lexicon from off of the main website.

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theWord Modules on Cults

These are general theWord modules dealing with cults generally, not necessarily specifically with a single cult.

Note: I have uploaded an excellent work on abusive churches by Enroth (PDF format).
EnrothRecovering from Churches that Abuse (See at bottom of this post for more recommendations)

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