Major Works of Charles Stanley a brethren preacher
The Way the Lord has Led Me.
His Last Days
Volume 1
Railway Tracts
1 The Son of God
2 The Handcuffs
3 “Smashed to Pieces”
4 The Lost Ticket
5 “Just in Time”
6 “Conversation”
7 “What a Contrast”
8 “Progress”
9 “An Interesting Question”
10 “The Explosion”
11 “I have my Ticket”
12 “Over Luggage”
13 How does a man become a Soldier?
14 The Sad, Sad Face!
15 “Must I not strive?”
16 The Lunatic and his keeper
“Plain Words”
1 The Little Garden
2 Lesson from an Old Schoolmaster
3 “Conversion”
4 The Telescope
5 Redemption
6 “Life”
7 “The Justifier”
8 Worship
9 The Burial of the Ethiopian
10 “The Risen Christ”
11 “The Live Bird let loose”
12 The Great Supper
13 How did the Jew know his Sin was Forgiven?
14 Naaman, the Leper
15 “As it was in the days of Noah”
16 “As it was in the days of Lot”
“Bread Cast Upon The Waters”
1 “Your Dying Hour”
2 “Be thou Clean”
3 “Have I repented enough?”
4 “Your Sins be Forgiven you”
5 Two Things which God has Joined Together
6 “Why are you Troubled?”
7 How are you to be Saved?
8 Who is to Blame?
9 If you knew the Gift of God?
10 “Repentance to Life”
11 What is Good News to a man who feels himself Lost?
12 What is Grace?
13 “Has” and “Are”
14 “The Righteousness of God”
15 How can a Sinner be Justified?
16 How does the Believer know that he is Justified?
Mephibosheth; Lame on both Feet.
Ruth; or, Blessing and Rest.
Job’s Conversion; or, God the Justifier.
Coming of the Lord, &c. With Diagram.
Volume 2
Joseph, Type of the Risen Christ
Great Stones and Costly
Tracts For Young Christians:
No. 1. Full Redemption
No. 2. Lessons of the Wilderness
The Two Husbands of Romans 7
What was the Sabbath?
What is the First Day of the Week, or Lord’s Day?
Justification in the Risen Christ
Door Shut and Lamps put out
“Awake, Awake! Behold the Bridegroom comes”
What God has said on the Second Coming of Christ and the End of the Present Age.
The Millennial Reign of Christ
Volume 3
Plain Dialogues on Solemn Subjects:
No. 1. What is the Gospel of God?
No. 2. Do you believe God?
The Oaks Explosion
Mount Ararat
Solomon’s Temple
Perfection: Where is it, and What is it?
The Church of God
Volume 4
Plain Words to Ritualists on their way to Rome
No. 1. The Cambridge Chamber of Darkness
No. 2. Baptismal Regeneration
No. 3. Justification
Christ the Centre
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Volume 5
The Young Believer’s Difficulties
Hezekiah; or Brief Lessons on Church Truths
Egypt To Shiloh
Cleansed by Blood and Washed by Water
Volume 6
The Grace of God to a Collier with a Broken Leg
The Grace of God to a Collier with a Broken Back
The Great Supper
God so Loved
The First Resurrection
The Convert’s Enquiry as to where He should go
The Great Tribulation
The Ribband of Blue and the Lace of Blue
The Confessional
What does God say to the Swearer?
The Doctrines of the Salvation Army compared with Scripture
Other Works
On the Epistle to the Romans
The First Years of Christianity and What is the Church?
The Way the Lord has Led Me; or, Incidents of Gospel Work.
The Righteousness of God
Decision for Christ
An Allegory
The Preparation Day
A Sermon of Five Words
“I have compassion on the multitude”
The Wanderers Restored or Jesus in the midst
The Swallows are Gone
The Atoning Death of the Son of God
God’s Centre in Shiloh
Recollections of the Last Days of Charles Stanley (H. H. Snell.)
Compare TheWord vs E-Sword (Updated 4/23/2021) In Compare TheWord vs E-Sword (Updated 4/23/2021) I compare the two Bible programs, theWord against e-Sword.
Read the Comparison: Compare TheWord vs E-Sword 4/23/21.