
theWord Second Coming Library

theWord Second Coming

theWord Second Coming. This library of theWord modules dealing with the second coming has any works dealing with eschatology or the return of Jesus and related events as found in Daniel and Revelation. These events include the rapture, the tribulation, the great tribulation or Grand tribulation, the millennium, the antichrist, the dragon, the beast, etc.

Creation/Last Modified Date: March 6, 2015
Files in red have been changed.

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theWord Bibles Library

David’s Electronic Bibles theWord Library

In this library of Electronic Bibles, I present to you different versions of the English Bible, God’s Holy Word, in free Bible program theWord format for your Bible study. TheWord is a great Bible app program, for use in Bible Reading, Bible Book studies, and is a good daily Bible Reading program. You can stop your Bible Search, because these Bible resources and the theWord Bible tool are great resources for the serious Bible Student. By using this program, you will get a better understanding the Bible. If you are looking for Bible answers, then the resource of free electronic bible program, theWord, cannot be beaten. Some of the Bible society projects have been open to Creative Commons which has helped our effort here.

Some of these study Bibles are a reference Bible, which has cross references and other helps for the Bible student. Continue reading

theWord Bible Dictionaries Library.

theWord Bible Dictionaries Library

theWord Bible Dictionaries Library
By David Cox

In this theWord Library, we present various Bible Dictionaries for your Bible study. These include famous old Bible Dictionaries, as well as some more modern ones. Note that because of the size of some of these dictionaries, I have divided them up into different zips (or individual file downloads). Easton is larger than what you can find it elsewhere because I have gone back and added images from the original work. Continue reading

theWord Calvinism Reformed Library.


Calvinism Library

In theWord Calvinism Reformed Library. theWord zip library, I present to you various books on Calvinism, basically dangers of it. These books are about Calvinism, and many works by people like Boettner (who is a Calvinist) do not have the tag “Calvinism” on them. I tag them as “Reformed”. If you want pro-views please search for “Reformed” works.

Note that I had to change the actual filenames for this internet webpage, substituting “calvin-ism” for “calvinism” for SEO purposes. In the actual zip file, all “calvin-ism” is “calvinism”.

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theWord Modules on Cults

These are general theWord modules dealing with cults generally, not necessarily specifically with a single cult.

Note: I have uploaded an excellent work on abusive churches by Enroth (PDF format).
EnrothRecovering from Churches that Abuse (See at bottom of this post for more recommendations)

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