theWord Creeds Pack
theWord Creeds Pack
By David Cox
In this pack, I am including various creeds and doctrinal affirmations from different persuasions, but mostly Calvinist-Reformed perspective. This is because they are the most proficient at making, using, and demanding doctrinal creeds. I consider any catechism the same as a creed or confession of faith.
Some of these in the theWord Creeds Pack are not Calvinist-Reformed by the way. The Athanasian Creed is from the first centuries of the church, and it is an affirmation of the trinity. Martin Luther’s catchecisms are a basic document of the Reformation, and although Luther is the founder of the Lutheran Church, his creed or confession or catechism is basically a denouncing of Roman Catholicism. The Baltimore Catechism is Roman Catholic so that you can see how it compares with the many protestant confessions here.
Contents of theWord Creeds Pack
The Mennonite Confession is from the Mennonite group, which are technically a descendent from the anabaptists. But they are not really Baptists if you examine their doctrine and practice. The Westminster confessions have a shorter and a longer version, which the longer version have the verses written out. Several of these creeds are Baptist, but basically these are Reformed Baptists, and/or Calvinists. While the Baptists do have a set of distinctive doctrines and practices, these are better found in the Baptist distinctives rather than in a particular Baptist confession or creed. Where Baptists resort to Creeds and Confessions, basically these are Reformed Baptists (Calvinists) and not all Baptists are Reformed.
Saint Augustine was a church father, and I would probably consider him to be more leaning towards Catholicism than Protestant thoughts and ideology. You should also be careful with him.
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