Cult19 Don’t Worship Death is an analysis of why we do not worship death, there is no dealing with death. God is who we deal with.
Topics: Who is the True God? | Jehovah is Omnipresent. | Jehovah is Omnipotent. | The Angel of Death | Death comes to Every Human Being | Mediums are Prohibited.
Excerpt: ...we must insist that “God” in whatever concept you have of Him, God is not a genie in a lamp that will concede to you whatever you wish without consideration of what God’s will is. God is in every place, He is present, and equally he sees and perceives everything, every situation, problem, and need, but God is also all Wise, and He knows what is happening very astutely. Many times, a person is suffering for his own sins, and God is who has commanded this tribulation and suffering because of the stubborn willfulness of the person suffering! (Job 5:18; Deuteronomy 32:39) Their suffering is a punishment from God for their sins. The remedy for them is to kneel before Jehovah and humble themselves before God. But the point is very important that in all of this, it is God Himself that is dealing with each person, and He is dealing with them for their sins... Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell... You see who your God is by how he affects your life.
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